Branding | Web
As attention spans continue to shorten, how can platforms meet users’ insatiable appetite for content without risking increased bounce rates? InCH meets content-appetites by delivering fresh and tailored stories seamlessly into a platform’s technical architecture. Users can engage with InCH stories directly in-app and on-platform. Developers are ensured brand safety, smooth platform re-entry pathways, and win-win rev-sharing models.
– Logo Design
– Branding
– Website Design (Desktop & Mobile)
– Website Copy
– Animations
InCH wanted a website that would succinctly communicate their rather technical offering to a broad-spectrum B2B audience. As a product designed to negate short attention spans, our approach was to walk the talk, using crisp visuals and copy to capture attention and convert visits into leads. Bright tones, paired with bold headlines and web animation work together to intrigue. Intuitive UX and UI ensure information is easily accessible and funnel pathways are clear.
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