The Evolution of Money
Bancor saw access to money as a human right and considered blockchain a technology capable of revolutionizing how humans collaborate and engage in value-exchange at scale.
In order to communicate their mission and impact to a larger audience that included users new to the world of digital currencies, the company reached out to us to rebrand. As Bancor’s capabilities were made possible through incredibly complex technologies and economic models, our challenge was crafting messaging that would work for different audience groups – from the seasoned cryptohead to the novel user.

Liquidity Changes Everything.
For digital currencies to thrive, assets must not live in isolation from each other. Liquidity is essential, and it must be continuous, affordable, easy-to-use, and open to all.
Our work sought to communicate this core value. Contrasting significantly with the majority of crypto-oriented websites, the vibrancy of Bancor’s updated language embraces a broader audience and communicates a more established set of services rather than a one-product offering platform with a promise of what’s to come.

The Bancor Brand Story
Money functions as a consensus protocol central to human collaboration and is consequently one of the most central elements in our lives. It is through the exchange of money that our complex national and international economies create and transfer value.
While our modern economic systems have created wonders, the nature of our prevailing national currencies and monetary structures inherently limit the creation and distribution of money. Further, they centralize to whom they grant access while requiring service fees. The result is that too many individuals around the world do not have enough money, and wealth increasingly concentrates in the hands of a narrowing few.
We at Bancor see access to money as a human right and consider blockchain a technology capable of revolutionizing how humans collaborate and engage in value-exchange at scale by creating efficiencies and inclusion in the financial system. Yet, without the ability for one blockchain asset to be freely and fairly exchanged for another, the potential of this new user-generated economic future is limited. For a true transformative process to occur, assets must not live in isolation from each other. Liquidity is essential, and it must be continuous, affordable, easy-to-use and open to all.
With the goal of enabling the adoption, evolution, and usability of the user-generated economy, Bancor solutions ensure seamless, fair and predictable value exchange between blockchain-based assets. At our core, we facilitate simple ways to create, buy, sell and use cryptocurrencies. Our Protocol provides continuous asynchronous value exchange on-chain without the need to match buyers and sellers. Our products and services further this efficiency by incorporating built-in automation to reinforce stability, safety and transparency resilient to market volatility and price manipulation.
We stand at the precipice of money’s new era. The entire framework for how we organize as a society is now open for redesign. At Bancor we are driven by the promise this future holds, emboldened by the new types of blockchains, stable coins, derivatives, and community currencies built off of our platforms, and inspired by the promise of other use-cases we cannot yet fully imagine.