
Looking Back to Inspire Forward

Initially established in 1933 in Germany, the Landwer family moved their coffee business to Tel Aviv shortly before WWII, founding Israel’s first coffee roaster company in the process. Deeply embedded in Israel’s contemporary coffee culture, Landwer roasts can today be purchased in supermarkets and appreciated in a growing number of franchises throughout the country.

The company was interested in exploring new branding options that would differ significantly from their standard muted color palette. They approached us to design a series of concepts that would whet their leadership’s creative appetite.  

A Taste of Bauhaus

While Landwer is today one of the most recognized brands in Israel, the company’s beginnings are firmly rooted in the Tel Aviv story. The chain grew in concert with the city’s expansion. Rich roasts accompanied impassioned cultural debate, expanding boulevards, and striking architectural design. It was from the city’s architecture that we drew our inspiration.

Tel Aviv Bauhaus is world-renowned, globally recognized by UNESCO as a world heritage site. Embracing functionalism and rational, this school is characterized by asymmetry, primary forms and colors, and the play between shadow and light. We focused on capturing this essence, disregarding ornamentation for an approach that was bold, simple and elegant.